I would like to compare Christian Movie Reviews of a movie I saw recently, "End of the Spear."
The story behind this movie has been told for 50 years since, in 1956, five missionaries in the Ecuadorian jungle were brutally murdered by the Waodani tribe who they were helping at the time. Following the brutal murders, the missionaries wives traveled to the jungle to continue their work. Long story short, the killers became Christians.
-Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie an average rating of 4.2 out of 10
-Christianity Today Movies refrained from giving a rating and instead wrote "It's through the harrowing experience of two men as told in End of the Spear that moviegoers can learn the power of forgiveness and reconciliation."
-Greg Wright of HollywoodJesus.com wrote "The movie won't please all audiences, however. In spite of its visual artistry, outstanding lead performances and overall technical competency, it tells a true story that's just hard to fathom."
The most scathing review must have come from Allison Benedikt of the Chicago Tribune.
"That "End of the Spear" is a no-holds-barred Christian movie is not necessarily a bad thing, just something to consider when you're surfing Fandango.
"What is necessarily a bad thing is that "End of the Spear" is a childish and visually repetitive movie, ham-fisted, proselytizing and overtly simplified.
Click here for her full review
I find it interesting that reviews of christian movies vary so completely depending on the source. Rotten Tomatoes members are generally of other faiths, and gave the movie a mediocre review, Christianity Today Movies and Greg Wright prefered to comment on the movies message rather than pass judgement, and Allison Benedikt wrote an edgy and scathing piece pulling the film apart. So in this way its clear that when looking for christian movie reviews, you need to consider the source.